Thursday, 12 October 2017

Factors Contributing to Low Libido and Low Sexual Desire

It’s little hard to figure out the real cause of low libido in women, even a woman cannot figure what is stopping them to establish a healthy sexual intercourse to satisfy the partner. According to the best sexologist in Delhi, there can be several factors that can contribute to low libido in women. It can be one or a combination of the factors that results in the low sexual drive. The influencing contributors are thus categorized as social, hormonal, and psychological factors.

Communication gap – today, couples are struggling to earn a handsome income to establish their lives, but, in the run of success, they forget that they are living the most important things behind and yes, it’s also the love and care between the two. Communication gap generally can be observed in the long-distance relationships or marriages. In long-distance, couples fail to establish the intercourse on the regular basis, on the other hand, after marriage, either of the partner or both can get bored of the intercourse after a certain period of time as they get themselves engaged in completing the responsibilities. Both the condition results in low sexual desire.


Stress and anxiety – this can be due to workload, meeting the responsibilities, performance in the bedroom and so on. As a part of the low libido treatment, some best sexologist suggests to have a long foreplay and pamper the partner so that they feel more loved and this will take the couple a long way.

Medications – certain medical conditions like diabetes, obesity, and blood pressure can result to low libido in both man and woman. Birth control pills also affect the sex drive of a woman.

Pregnancy – during a pregnancy period, a woman goes through several hormonal changes that may result in frequent mood swings, which is a common outcome of the hormonal changes. The sexual desire decreases after giving birth to a baby due to certain psychological factors. Thus, couples often go for a low libido treatment to get their love life back on the track.

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