Sunday, 27 December 2020

Male Dysfunctions And Fear

Male dysfunctions and fear, virility, machismo, social changes in women and men.

For some time now, in consultation Dr P K Gupta, sexologist in Delhi, has observed the changes that society is undergoing with almost no power (or wanting to) do anything to remedy it.

Our society is getting rid of centuries of macho dictatorships and this is having consequences for genders and orientations, I want to imagine that in a future time all this will find its comfort zone and we can live without so much alteration or dysfunctions our lives and our sexuality.

All religions have generated an abysmal difference between men and women, they have relegated the different orientations to obscurity.

At some point in history, the man decided to make women invisible, reduce her to an inferior being and thus for centuries he believed he was doing things well because everything he did was supported by the prevailing ideologies (directed 100% by men too) . I will never understand what caused this process but of course something had to do with the man's fear of the woman, his condition of being a reproductive relegated him to a working bee.


In the current process of social change, women and men are freeing themselves, slowly and with pain, but the path to freedom is true that it does not hurt even if you lose everything in it.

However, in consultation at sexologist clinic in Delhi if part of that pain that I comment appears, current men, the younger and not so young generations, because from those separated at forty-something down, everyone is finding that the supposed freedom that should be for to arrive is still far from appearing and has been chained to fear.

Fear because among other things men do not talk about our problems and our doubts, "it is not going to be that the other knows that I am inferior to him", it is not going to be that the other thinks that I am a softie, that I have feelings and especially that I feel like I don't know.

Fear of this curse of being forced to be virile, especially when being virile is defined in quantifiable terms (two balls, 20 cm, 3 without removing it, it does not take a slap, etc ...). To be virile, social tactics have been imposed on men since time immemorial, courage is one of them, having it means being a true man, as if women when they do everything that being a woman has meant until now did not require high doses of value.

Thus, almost childish themes have been designed to play with courage: confrontations with the other, for whatever reason, today the absolute idiocy of sticking with the opposing team until killing, killing or dying by the horns of an animal wild, playing with AIDS in brothels or on the street without using a condom, because that is how I show that I am a tough guy. In fact, we observe how parties appear that only defend these acts and become enemies of the advance towards freedom of women and men tired of so much useless and completely uncertain demo.

Fear of not being as "man" as the porn actor on duty, porn attempts to adapt to its new status as an educator of an educated society through a globalized screen, many young people today know more about BDSM than how their parents They have made them.

All this chaos, which I hope does not become as eternal as machismo (30 centuries) is leading to the subject that I work on many very different dysfunctions: sexual phobias, aversions, erectile dysfunction, lack of desire, dissatisfaction, premature ejaculation, hundreds of separations without much justification, unwanted loneliness, depressions, anxieties and a long etcetera.

It goes without saying that women are also contributing and suffering to this chaos because to be one you have to worry about reading many new theories and proposals that if you do not know them only make you the victim of change. The man in his flight backwards increases his violence against them and this is unfortunately very evident.

A Happy end: well-directed information solves all this, in some cases short but essential sex treatment in Delhi will be required. Unfortunately sex education becomes difficult without political involvement and we already know what matters to them, for the moment they stop suffering and go to the best sexologist in Delhi who work with it.

Sunday, 20 December 2020

Premature Ejaculation (PE)

The last twenty years have seen an advance in evidence-based medical knowledge regarding Premature Ejaculation (PE). Let's see what is happening with this problem and its treatment.

Why do we need to treat PE?

Premature ejaculation is the most common male sexual dysfunction. It affects about a third of men at various times in their lives, with little variation depending on age and continent. Many studies have shown that it causes very significant suffering in men of course, but also in the partner and the couple. PE has a very strong impact on the quality of life of men in general, in particular on sexual satisfaction which is greatly reduced. Premature ejaculation also has a strong impact on self-confidence and self-esteem.

This problem also impacts on female sexuality. Moreover, men with premature ejaculation often feel immense guilt vis-à-vis their partner. Communication difficulties can appear in the couple as the two partners find it difficult to approach the problem: the woman because she is afraid of plunging her man into an anxiety of failure, of hurting and upset him and man because he chooses instead denial and avoidance. Intercourse becomes less frequent (“you're still going to ejaculate too fast, what's the point of trying?”), which further increases the speed of ejaculation and can lead the couple into a seizure, explains sex specialist in Delhi.


How to define PE?

It is defined as follows by the best sexologist in Delhi: PE is a male sexual dysfunction characterized by ejaculation which always or almost always occurs before or at most about one minute after vaginal penetration, by an inability to delay ejaculation during all or almost all vaginal penetrations and through negative personal consequences, such as pain, hassle, frustration and / or avoidance of sexual intimacy. There are two main clinical forms: primary PE where ejaculation is very rapid, following shortly or sometimes preceding penetration, almost systematic for all sexual relations, with all partners, since the start of sexual activity. Concretely, most frequently, they are men, mainly young and inexperienced, experiencing strong performance anxiety. They are under 30, and they have an obvious lack of learning. These young men often have a guilty masturbation, and they are used to quickly release their tensions by masturbation.

Secondary PE occurring after a period of sexual life when ejaculation was not a problem. This change can be due to life events affecting private life (for example the arrival of a child), to psychological, relational or medical problems. In this case, it is often linked to an erectile dysfunction. (The man then seeks maximum excitement to obtain and maintain an erection that he is afraid of losing and, therefore, he precipitates the onset of his ejaculation).

Besides these two main clinical forms, there are also men who complain that everything is normal in terms of their ejaculation delay. These are men who have in mind performances disconnected from sexual reality. Perhaps it is necessary to look on the side of pornography with its actors "delayed ejaculators or ejaculators". In this sense, porn movies would lead to pressure to conform to an imaginary standard.

What are the causes of PE?

All the research carried out highlights two dimensions that can explain this pathology. The first is sexological and the other neurochemical.

  • The sexological dimension is based on a lack of sexual skills to manage sexual arousal. Concretely, the patient cannot keep his excitement at levels lower than that which triggers the ejaculatory reflex and he is then unable to prolong the duration of the penetration.
  • The neurochemical dimension is based on work concerning the key role of a cerebral neurotransmitter: Serotonin. PE is linked to the fact that we do not find enough active serotonin in the intersynaptic spaces.

How to treat PE?

The therapeutic management of PE derives from these two dimensions. Of course, its modalities vary depending on the individual and the situation, but most often, PE will respond to a combined treatment, combining sexological therapy with pharmacological treatment.

Several behavioral sex therapies exist aimed at making the patient acquire skills in his sexual choreography allowing him to modulate his arousal. The most classic protocols are “Stop and go” or “stop-start” (The principle is to break down the excitation into stages and stop at these stages), compressions or “Squeeze” (The principle is to '' teach the man, through various compressions, to reduce his arousal when he is about to ejaculate) and sex-functional therapy (The principle is to manage the intensity of the stimulation that the man receives and changes caused by excitement, especially breathing and muscle tension).

Pharmacological premature ejaculation treatment in Delhi is based on the use of a Serotonin reuptake inhibitor which allows rapid efficacy on the symptom useful to motivate the patient, essential in the event of severe PE (less than a minute) for set up a possibility of skills acquisition or when the couple is in crisis and the demand for a quick result.


Every patient with PE has the opportunity to treat it. For this, he must overcome the embarrassment and shame to consult with a sexologist in Delhi. PE is most often a pathology that concerns the couple and the inclusion of the partner in the care process is most often useful. Each patient should be able to benefit from basic psychosexual education. The sexologist doctor in Delhi now has different treatments and can offer each patient and each couple an appropriate psychosexological intervention, alone or in addition to pharmacotherapy.

Sunday, 13 December 2020

Erectile Dysfunction Men's Diseases

Erectile dysfunction, the same as impotence, is one of the most common sexual problems common in men of all ages.

Erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men is defined as the inability to achieve and maintain the erection needed to perform sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction for men often becomes a great ordeal, as it is not only a physiological but also a psychological problem. According to statistics, virtually all men, starting from the age of 20, have been affected by the problem of erectile dysfunction at least once. It should be noted that this problem is the most common sexual disorder in men. Hundreds of millions of men on earth suffer from erectile dysfunction. That is why the question of how to treat this sexual disorder does not lose its urgency.


What can cause erectile dysfunction?

Different forms of the disease are distinguished based on the underlying causes. If we divide the reasons into a main group, we can distinguish between them:


  • Depression, depressed state;
  • Chronic neurosis, psychosis;
  • Stressful situations, family conflicts;
  • Drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • Fear of failure and sexual impotence.


  • Diseases of the head and spinal cord, various types of trauma (including those caused by surgery);
  • Circulatory disorders of the brain;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Peripheral innervation disorders (neuropathies - alcohol, drug, diabetes, etc.)


  • Injuries;
  • Peyronie's disease
  • Cavernous fibrosis.


  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Prolactinoma;
  • Adrenal and thyroid dysfunction.


  • Combined damage to the vascular system of the genitals;
  • Disorders of microcirculation in the genitals;
  • Hypertensive disease;
  • Abnormal venous drainage of cavernous bodies.


  • May occur on the background of taking psychotropic, hormonal and antidepressants.


  • It is possible to develop soft tissues between the genitals and between, as a result of various injuries in the area

What are the treatment methods?

Men find it difficult to admit their own sexual problems. Due to the shy nature and delicacy of the problem, the patient often locks himself in, does not want to discuss the issue and share the feelings of failure in personal life with others, therefore, does not turn to a sexologist in Delhi at all. Such an attitude towards the problem is medically wrong and often leads to a worsening problem.

Modern medicine possesses many methods to help a patient with erectile dysfunction. In some cases of erectile dysfunction (including organic forms) it is impossible to completely cure the patient. However, even in this case, sexologists in Delhi can conduct symptomatic treatment to maximize the elimination of this pathology.

Consider some modern methods of treating erectile dysfunction:

  • There are three potentially selective phosphodiesterase (PDE5) inhibitors (PDE5) on the market today whose efficacy and safety in the erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi have been demonstrated in practice. They are not the initiators of an erection, therefore, sexual stimulation is needed during treatment to achieve an erection. Their effectiveness is defined as sufficient strength of the penis for vaginal penetration. These drugs are: sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil. All of these drugs have a characteristic feature that may be important for this or that patient.
  • Herbal preparations - in most cases their effectiveness in the treatment of erectile dysfunction has not been proven, but their use may improve the overall condition of the patient.
  • In case of ineffective effect of the above drugs, taken in the form of pills, as an alternative, intravenous injection may be used as an alternative. It is essential to take these medications under the supervision of a sexologist doctor in Delhi as incorrect treatment will most likely lead to dangerous side effects.
  • There is also an alternative to the drug - urethral administration of alprostadil. Using a special system, a small capsule containing alprostadil is inserted into the urethra. Such treatment is quite effective and acceptable for many patients.
  • Vacuum device - used in relatively elderly patients. It traps venous blood in the genitals, after which a clamping ring is fixed at the base of the penis. This approach is a very effective and safe method of treatment in elderly patients.
  • Physiotherapy
  • Surgical intervention - In case other methods of treatment do not bring the desired result, the most effective and efficient treatment approach is male prosthesis. There are two types of prostheses: soft (semi-rigid) and inflatable (two or three-chambered). Most patients prefer a three-chamber prosthesis because the erection is more 'natural' during such a prosthesis.

It is extremely important to follow these simple rules to prevent or slow down the progression of erectile dysfunction:

  1. Pay attention to nutrition. Fatty foods increase the risk of erectile dysfunction and vascular disease. Baked and sweet foods cause obesity and diabetes which also increases the risk of erectile dysfunction. Follow a well-balanced diet that includes fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the right proportions. In addition, the diet should contain vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body.
  2. Control blood pressure. If your blood pressure is high, be sure to seek medical help, your sex doctor in Delhi will prescribe medication to regulate your blood pressure. Chronic hypertension and atherosclerosis increase the risk of developing erectile dysfunction.
  3. Quit using tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. It should be noted that cigarette smoking leads to the development of systemic diseases, which leads to a decrease in potency. It is almost impossible to have a healthy sex life without giving up bad habits.
  4. Do not self-medicate or take medication without supervision of sex specialist in Delhi. Often the cause of erectile dysfunction is the incorrect or excessive use of medications, vitamins, biologically active supplements and similar remedies. Before taking any medication, it is necessary to consult an appropriate sexologist in Delhi.
  5. Try to move a lot. Lack of regular physical activity is a prerequisite for weight gain. At such times the body is less fed with oxygen, the elasticity of tissues and blood vessels decreases, and all this leads to a decrease in potency. Find time to go for a walk, jog, swim and walk to the fitness club.
  6. Learn to control the psychological load. Depression, stress and the presence of complexes can provoke sexual problems. For the most part, cases of erectile dysfunction are psychological in nature. Avoid acute conflict situations, try to fully relax.

Finally, despite the delicacy of the problem, consult the best sexologist in Delhi at the first signs of the problem. Treatment at an early stage will most likely yield better results than delayed intervention.