Sunday, 21 November 2021

Premature Ejaculation - Most Common Men's Health Problem

Surely you have heard of Premature ejaculation. Many men have this problem and are often confused with the issue of "spending less time in bed." Premature ejaculation is a problem that occurs when ejaculation occurs persistently and continuously before or after intercourse. It is clear that this condition is always against the person and has nothing to do with the size of the penis.

In this article sexologist in Delhi is trying to explain the causes of this problem and how we can fix it. If you are worried or just want to know more about it, you just have to keep reading.

What is premature ejaculation?

First, you must be clear in mind. There are a lot of people who start getting involved and after four minutes they bleed. This is often referred to as premature ejaculation, but it has nothing to do with it. A man’s endurance in the face of intrusion is related to the state of hearing, arousal, etc.

In order to be able to talk about premature ejaculation, it must occur frequently and actually cause problems for one or both partners. As for premenstrual ejaculation, we mean it occurs from early sexual intercourse until later.

Simply put, premature ejaculation occurs before the two partners seek it out. This condition causes serious problems in sexual relationships, especially if they occur frequently.


This problem can occur in both men and women. This usually happens sometimes when you are very awake. However, the problem begins when it often occurs in a sexual relationship.

Studies show that the problem affects 30% of men. Despite this, one is afraid to see a sexologist doctor in Delhi. There is no fixed age at which this problem can arise. This phenomenon is slightly higher in young men. Inexperienced ones do not control the amount of pleasure well and end up being raised against their will.


There are many recent studies that have sought to determine the cause of premature ejaculation. Among these causes we find:

  • Loss of confidence.
  • Anxiety for the husband and his partner.
  • Poor satisfaction with your sex life.
  • Low level of partner satisfaction.

The man affected by this problem is so immersed in it that he does not enjoy sex. The consequences for a woman are reflected in the decrease in her pleasure and inability to achieve exception. Recent studies confirm that there is a link between a man's inability to maintain ejaculation and your partner's sexual problems.

This problem causes intense emotional pain and, if left unchecked, can have serious sexual consequences. The most common advice is that if there is a problem, consult a sex specialist in Delhi.

Causes of premature ejaculation

In most cases the cause is unknown. However, there are mental and physical problems that can arise.

Most men experience rapid ejaculation through their first sex. They generally begin to control the rate of their ejaculation as their sexual activity increases. This creates an environment in which you increase your self-esteem.

The main psychological causes of uncontrolled ejaculation are anxiety, difficult learning, guilt, and fear of being unloved. All negative feedback improves errors after the first negative experiences. As a result, anxiety and confusion are even greater, says top sexologist in Delhi.

There are other causes of fertilization such as chronic prostatitis, drug use, thyroid problems, and neurological disorders. In many cases, both points are possible.

In summary, it can be said that premature ejaculation occurs because the brain does not respond well to the extreme rate of sexual stimulation.

How to overcome premature flow

When this problem arises sometimes there is nothing to worry about. You could talk about it with your spouse and try to control your emotions and your conscience or can consult best sexologist in Noida. In this way, ejaculation is controlled.

If the problem persists for a long time and causes problems for the couple, it is best to contact the best sexologist in Delhi as soon as possible. Patients with this condition without impotence should be treated for erectile dysfunction. The sexologist doctor in Delhi must always explain to you what treatment is available and the benefits or risks that each of them includes.

There are two main types of premature ejaculation treatment in Delhi.

  • Mind. These are based on the individual's perception of his or her problem and the reduction of guilt feelings. It is done with psychotherapy and behavioral therapy.
  • Pharmacological. They are users of drugs such as Dapoxetine.

Dapoxetine has so far been the only drug that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects. It is a drug that works at the brain level to slow down the fluid. Major studies, conducted in more than 6,000 cases, have shown that patients who received Dapoxetine were slow to stop and improve ejaculation control compared to patients who received placebo (side effects).


If you think you have this problem, it is best to go to a sexologist in Delhi as soon as possible or talk to your partner. Your mind can be your greatest enemy and Guilt does not fix things. It is a problem against the will of the individual. Therefore, you and your spouse must be patient and deal with the problem together.

I hope you have succeeded in learning more about this topic.

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Too much or too little sex drive

How often you feel like having sex varies from person to person. Hormones, stress and relationship problems affect your libido.

How often does a couple have sex? 

The sexually active Fleming has sex once a week on average. In the beginning of a relationship, people usually make love more often. In a long-term relationship, this is often less. 

There is no ideal amount of sex. The right amount is how often you and your sex partner want it. 

Low libido: causes 

Less interest in sex is not a problem in itself, if you do not experience it. But if there is a big difference compared to the past and you do suffer from it, it can be due to several reasons:

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Low self-esteem or body image
  • Fatigue and sleep deprivation
  • Hormone Deficiencies
  • prostate problems
  • Uterine Removal
  • Menopause (in both men and women)
  • Malfunctioning ovaries or testes
  • Past sexual abuse experience
  • Relationship problems
  • To smoke
  • Medication
  • alcohol and drugs 

More or less in the mood than your partner 

The need for love is different for everyone. If your need for sex is the same as that of your sex partner, it is of course easier.

If there is a big difference in desire between two partners, this can cause tension. Find a balance with your partner that is satisfying for both of you, suggests the best sexologist in Delhi.


Talk to your partner

Talking to your partner is very important to find a balance. You can talk about the history of the problem. Ask yourself and each other a few questions:  

  • Has the difference in desire always been there?  
  • If not, when was it better?  
  • How did the difference in desire grow?  
  • Has your partner's need for sex increased over time? Or has your sex drive decreased in the course of your relationship?
  • Were there periods when you did get out and how did you do that?  
  • What would you like in an ideal situation?  
  • How often could you have sex, and what kind of sex would that be?  
  • Could the less-wanted person have more sense if the sex was more aligned with their expectations?  
  • Would the more interested person feel less frustrated if they got attention in a different way? 

Libido Problems: Treatment and Medication

Aphrodisiac medication 

There are few drugs that have been proven to increase your libido. Scientists and pharmaceutical companies have been looking for drugs that can increase libido for years. But without result.  

Natural remedies, such as aphrodisiacs and herbal supplements, also exist. But it has not been proven that these remedies make you more interested in sex.

Instead of looking for the solution in medication, it is best to look at the cause of your reduced sense. If you know where the dip in your libido comes from, you can look for a solution.  

Talking to your partner

You can't force sex drive or schedule it into your schedule. What you can do is create the right context, so that that sentence can come more easily. Make sure you make time for sex and create the right circumstances, suggests sexologist in Delhi.

You and your partner may not agree on how often you would like to have sex. If you want to make love more or less than is now the case, dissatisfaction can arise. To avoid that dissatisfaction, a first step is to talk about it:

  1. Discuss your expectations: Talk to your partner about how often you want to make love. What kind of sex would that be?
  2. Create an open conversational atmosphere where you can listen to both sides of the story. In this way it is possible to find a golden mean. 
  3. Say what you like: your satisfaction depends, among other things, on whether your wishes and limits are respected. Talk about what you like and what you don't like.  
  4. Make sure that the conditions for making sense are right. Make time. Plan a relaxing evening where you and your partner just focus on each other, with no expectations about having sex or not.

Treatment with a sexologist

If you can't figure it out yourself, you can also go to a sexologist doctor in Delhi. The sexologist in Delhi listens to your complaints and guides you with appropriate treatment.

How does sex drive develop? 

Sex drive doesn't just appear out of the blue. You get sex drive through a complicated process of stimuli, which are converted into physical and mental reactions.

These sexual stimuli can come from within:

  • thoughts 
  • fantasies
  • feelings 

or from outside: 

  • images 
  • sounds 
  • scents 
  • touches

Then you still have to choose whether to respond to those incentives. For that, the circumstances have to be right and they are very personal. If your conditions for making sense are fulfilled, your partner's must also be fulfilled.  

The expectation of a pleasant experience or reward determines whether you want to continue having sex or not. That reward can be intimacy with your partner or an orgasm. If you think in advance that making love isn't going to be fun, you will be less motivated to start it, warns top sexologist in Delhi.

Libido is not an uncontrollable urge 

Libido is often described as a sex drive. That may sound like it just happens all of a sudden and you have no control over it. 

It's not that you have an uncontrollable amount of libido. No matter how strong your need for sex is, what you do with it remains your own responsibility. For example, you cannot invoke your libido as an excuse to justify transgressive behaviour, says best sexologist in Delhi.

If you feel like you constantly need sex and can't control it, you may have a sex addiction. 

Less sense because of pregnancy? 

In the first three months of pregnancy, many women lose their sex drive. This is partly due to:

  • hormonal fluctuations  
  • nausea  
  • fatigue  
  • painfully swollen breasts

It takes getting used to your changing body. Fear of hurting the baby, worry and stress for the future do not promote sex drive.

During the fourth to sixth month, the blood flow to the vagina, labia and clitoris changes. This makes them much more sensitive, just like the nipples. Many women have an extra desire to have sex.

During the last three months you have a big belly, pressure on your bladder and extra fatigue. As a result, you may feel less interested in sex.  

Note: Everybody is different, especially during pregnancy.  

Less sense after childbirth

Childbirth has a major impact on your life. Also as a couple. The delivery and the child shake everything up. Your body, emotions and energy levels change.

Both the birth itself and the months that follow are very tiring. Your sleep is often disturbed by the baby. You also have to find a new balance as a couple. And that can cause stress, worry and discomfort.  

Fear of pain also plays a role. If you have recently given birth, you may be afraid of pain during sex. Also, your partner is sometimes afraid to hurt you during sex. It often takes a while to get used to your new body. It is normal that due to all these circumstances you do not immediately feel like sex.

As you grow into your role as a mother or father, the sex drive usually returns on its own. For some, this only happens after the menstrual cycle has started again. In others before, explains sexologist doctor in Delhi.  

In the meantime, a lot is possible, because sex is more than just penetration. Also try other forms of sex:

·        caress each other

·        massage

·        masturbation

oral sex (blowjobs and cunnilingus)