Sunday, 25 April 2021

How to recover libido? Understand what it is and how it works!

The term libido generally refers to the idea of sexual desire. However, depending on the individual, it is difficult to adopt a single definition. In fact, in many periods of our life, libido is absent; this is one reason why many people, both men and women, consult a sexologist doctor in Delhi, India who specializes in the subject. Sexual desire is therefore based on complex physiological mechanisms, and it is important that we understand them.

Causes of loss of libido and low sexual desire

In many countries, libido problems are estimated to affect 10 to 51% of the population. This is even the main reason for consultations with sexologist in Delhi, India.

Therefore, it is essential to be able to provide low sex desire treatment in Delhi in a specific way and adapted to each person. This is paramount, especially when mental health issues are involved.

Little or no sexual desire: characteristics

A sexual desire disorder is characterized by a lack or absence of sexual imagination (fantasies) or desire for sexual activities. This lack (or absence) is marked by a change from the individual's habitual desire.

To be considered even a disorder, this decrease in libido must be a source of suffering or difficulties in the relationship.

The individual who suffers from a lack of libido is unmotivated to seek sexual stimuli and generally does not take the initiative in activities related to sex (or does it against his will).

Several factors can be associated with a decrease in libido: somatic, endocrine, neurobiological, psychological factors ... If you are experiencing difficulties related to your sexual desire, consult a sex specialist in Delhi, India capable of providing you with solutions adapted to your situation.

Causes of lack of libido in men and women

Among the causes of lack of libido, we can certainly mention: anxiety disorders, depression, toxicological factors, diseases, hormonal deficiencies ... These causes can be common in both sexes, but women still go through more complicated periods: menstrual cycle, lactation, menopause, etc.

Therefore, we will dedicate this part of the text to differentiate and identify the distinct causes of the lack of libido in men and women.

Causes of lack of male libido

There are many causes for the loss of male sexual desire. We can mention the following:

  • Age: with age, the desire seems to decrease naturally. However, it is still very common for older men to continue to have desire.
  • An androgenic deficiency: androgens (male sex hormones) have strong implications for male sexual function.
  • Hyperprolactinemia: this disorder decreases sexual desire and can also cause erectile dysfunction. When a man claims to suffer from a lack of libido, an assessment is often made of the amount of prolactin in his body.
  • Factors related to diseases and their treatments: genetic diseases, urological pathologies (mainly of the prostate), endocrine disorders, neurological diseases (epilepsy, multiple sclerosis), STIs, chronic diseases (kidney failure, heart failure, diabetes), fatigue, etc.
  • Toxic factors: consumption of alcohol, drugs, tobacco ... But also of certain psychotropic drugs, such as antidepressants. 
  • Depressionanxiety disorders, among other related factors.

Finally, we need to remember the impact that lifestyle has on libido, habits, excessive consumption of pornography, masturbations with excessive frequency ... It is also proven that testosterone concentrations are linked to libido. However, not every patient with low testosterone has a drop in libido, and not every patient with a drop in libido has low testosterone.

Thus, we can say that it is not all because of testosterone, but it is important to perform a complete check-up in this type of situation.

Causes of lack of female libido

We must take into account both sensory factors and sexual fantasies and thoughts. Incidentally, here too, the notion of desire includes a cognitive, behavioral, emotional, personal or collective dimension.

There are, therefore, chemical factors (hormones and neurotransmitters), but also psychological factors.

In addition, we know that the endocrine system of women is complex, taking into account:

  • menstrual cycles
  • pregnancy
  • lactation
  • menopause
  • impact of contraceptive methods
  • possible influence of some drugs: antidepressants, anxiolytics, antivirals, antihypertensives, etc.

The increase in testosterone in women in the middle of the menstrual cycle is associated with a series of hormonal changes. Thus, there is no way to make a significant distinction between mid-cycle testosterone levels and libido.

In conclusion, there is growing evidence that mood, well-being, energy and other psychological factors influence female sexuality.

Finally, as with men, habits and lifestyle also influence women's libido.

Libido problems and the influence of neurological disorders

Neurological problems in both men and women - such as stroke, epilepsy, tumors, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease or multiple sclerosis - seem to be the cause of many sexual dysfunctions.


How to increase sexual desire or recover libido?

Sexual stimulants, aphrodisiacs, miraculous methods ... It never hurts to emphasize that, before we talk about "how to increase libido", it is necessary to keep it in good condition through some attitudes. There is no miracle product to "boost libido"!

However, today, we can identify the specific causes of an individual's lack of sexual desire and seek solutions. For this, a consultation with the best sexologist in Delhi, India is essential. 

Increasing man's libido

You can recover a “normal” libido by adopting good habits: a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle (restful sleep, etc.), regular sports…

Hormonal injections (testosterone) can only be prescribed by a sex doctor in Delhi, India, if he / she thinks it is necessary. In any case, this is not the first option taken into account.

With regard to the diet, it is preferable to eat low in fat and sugar, opting for fruits and vegetables. Also be wary of smoking, alcoholism and drug use: they can have direct effects on libido or impair it in the long run.

Finally, your emotional relationships also have a role to play in sexual desire: start by solving problems in the couple's relationship before addressing a possible drop in libido.

Increasing a woman's libido

For women, it is almost the same as for men, but it is necessary to take into account some specific issues, such as the menstrual cycle, menopause, contraceptives, etc.

All of these points can be discussed with the doctor.

The periods mentioned above are different for each woman: some will have a lower libido while others will not; the pains and the duration of the cycles are not experienced in the same way by all of them.

Finally, vaginal secretions and hormones also change according to the phase of the cycles. However, by talking to a doctor, it is possible to predict these periods and adapt as best as possible to these different stages of life.

For example, it is possible to maintain a personal calendar of the libido's evolution according to the phase of the cycle. There are even mobile apps that do that!

Medical care or treatments for libido problems

Therapies against sexual desire disorders, in both men and women, are difficult. Therefore, they must be performed by a sexologist in Delhi in sexual health and clinical sexology.

Among other tests, a hormonal evaluation can be done at the beginning of low sex desire treatment in Delhi. All physiological and psychological factors will also be studied. If a libido disorder is confirmed, the causes will have to be determined precisely. Perhaps some somatic and psychiatric causes have been identified; if this is the case, the top sexologist in Delhi should clarify everything to the patient / couple.

Finally, before choosing the low sex desire treatment in Delhi, the age factor will be studied, often synonymous with a decline in sexual functions.

Sexual therapies

Treatment can take the form of cognitive, behavioral and psychological sex therapy. This type of therapy can be done individually or as a couple and depends a lot on the therapist's experience, personality and involvement - hence the importance of choosing a competent and best sexologist in Delhi.

Many sexual therapies have a legitimate and effective scientific basis. They can, for example, be divided into several sessions, focusing on issues such as:

  • automatic thoughts ;
  • ignorance about sexuality;
  • myths about male and female sexuality ;
  • strategies to bring the couple closer emotionally ;
  • techniques to improve erotic stimulation;
  • and, finally, to remove from penetration the role of the main activity of sex .


We hope to have clarified a little more about the different mechanisms of libido and the absence of miracle drugs. We must privilege certain healthy behaviors, and it is not possible to “increase” libido in the same way that a motor boosts.

The amount of libido varies according to several factors; it is necessary to be attentive to them so that we can solve the problems. But this is not always enough. That is why we recommend at least an appointment with a sexologist in Delhi if libido problems persist for several months.

Sexologists in Delhi deal with these difficulties on a daily basis and will be able to bring solutions to each case. The main thing to do is not to dramatize the situation: the drop in libido is common to all individuals, at any stage of life.

The important thing is not to let the problem settle in the long run: the longer you wait, the more complicated the low sex desire treatment in Delhi becomes.

Thursday, 22 April 2021

What Does Weak Erection Mean

What is erectile dysfunction?

We know what an erection is, let's talk about the conditions that can cause weak erection. Even because, as the studies point out, many men are affected by problems related to this.

This is usually due to the balance required to ensure an erect penis. In this way, many organs are involved in this process: heart, lungs, hormones, nerves, blood vessels and even the brain. All these bodies must be coordinated in a complex sequence of events.

In the case of erectile dysfunction, that is, an individual's inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse, something in this process is not balanced. These small problems can be caused by several factors.

We can enumerate different sources for the problem, for example:

  • Natural causes: aging of the body is a major cause of sexual disorders, including erectile dysfunction. In fact, men after the age of 40 are more prone to erectile problems.
  • Psychological reasons: it is one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction in individuals under 40 years of age. Psychological concerns include things like:
    • anxiety about sexual performance.
    • stress.
    • decreased libido.
  • Organic causes: there are many different factors in this case. For example:
    • arterial hypertension.
    • diabetes.
    • smoking.
    • certain hematological conditions, such as sickle cell disease, hemochromatosis or thalassemia.
    • hormonal diseases, such as Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis.
    • obesity and overweight.
    • genital malformations, due to diseases such as Peyronie or even Hypospadias.

Therefore, realizing the symptoms of erectile dysfunction can be the first warning sign for more serious problems. Some of these problems include diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure or andropause. If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, see a sexologist in Delhi, India and find out what may be causing your problem.

What does weak erection mean?

Erectile dysfunction is not limited to the inability to have an erection. It also includes, however, cases in which the degree of firmness of an erection is insufficient to permit sexual intercourse. Again, there are several factors that can prevent a full erection:

  • Age - one of the main causes of weak erection. It is known that the hardening capacity of the penis decreases with the aging of the body. So, it can be difficult for people over 40 to achieve or maintain a full erection. However, this does not mean that this phenomenon does not affect younger people as well.
  • The level of sexual arousal - this simply means that the level of sexual desire is an important factor in the stiffness of the penis.
  • Blood flow - the amount of blood that reaches the sexual organ is of paramount importance. Therefore, the greater the blood flow, the more rigid the penis will become, at the same time, the lower the flow, the weaker the erection.

The firmness of your erections are important indicators of your body's health. The blood vessels in the penis are smaller than the arteries and veins in other parts of the body. Thus, any problems, such as blockages, blood vessel dilation disorders or hormonal imbalances, often result in erectile dysfunction (or weak erection).

Erectile dysfunction can therefore become an early warning sign of a possible future heart attack or a more severe stroke.

And absent erection?

When the penis does not harden, in most cases, there is an erection problem. This can mean disorders, dysfunction or even impotence, in the most severe cases. In fact, the latter case is quite shameful for many and can have repercussions on both the patient's and the couple's sexual life.

That is why we always advise men to see a sexologist doctor in Delhi, India quickly. Currently, it is possible to quickly consult the best sexologist in Delhi on the platform from your home. You can make an appointment in less than 24 hours and talk to the sex specialist in Delhi by private message or video. He can also send you a prescription if necessary.

But, as we said, age is also a possible cause for men who are without an erection. With more than 50 years of age, the body begins to weaken gradually and, thus, it is difficult for the man to harden the sexual organ or even to keep the penis erect.

When to see the best sexologist doctor in Delhi, India?

Like most body dysfunctions, it is necessary to consult sexologists in Delhi when the problem appears to be serious and recurring.

This is the case if you are a frequent victim of erectile dysfunction: only if your penis no longer reacts normally. In many cases, it is necessary to consult a sexologist in Delhi, that is, a doctor specializing in sexology.

This type of consultation is very useful for people suffering from erectile dysfunction, as it helps to detect whether the problem is psychological or physical. In any case, you may be instructed to follow a therapy, to perform exercises to overcome your block, or to obtain prescription drugs adapted to your erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi.

In all cases, it is recommended that you make an appointment quickly as soon as these problems become recurrent.

"Neither soft nor hard": how to increase erectile function?

Many factors are responsible for a weak erection. We can quote:

  • Natural causes, such as aging.
  • Psychological reasons, such as stress, anxiety or even panic.
  • Organic reasons, such as diabetes and other disease- related problems.

So, in order for you to get a stronger erection, modern medicine presents you with several techniques. You can, for example:

  • Change your sexual habits and reinforce your desire.
  • Invest in new sexual games with your partner.
  • Improve communication. If the problem is of psychological origin, a conversation with your partner can directly impact your erection.
  • If all of the above solutions fail, you can also take stimulating products like Sildenafil (or Viagra), Tadalafil (Cialis) or Vardenafil. To obtain this type of medication, you must first consult a top sexologist in Delhi, who will determine the most appropriate treatment and issue a prescription.


Erection is an indicator of the health of your body, so it is also a good indicator of your lifestyle. So, if you want to have a strong erection, it is important to take care of yourself and cultivate good habits.

For good sexual health, it is necessary to set aside a series of bad habits that can hamper a good erection. We can quote, for example:

  • avoid smoking.
  • reduce alcohol consumption.
  • avoid the use of narcotics.
  • adopt a healthy diet.
  • play sports.
  • always observe the contraindications of the medications used.

The libido

Known simply as “sexual desire”, libido is the desire to engage in erotic activities.

This desire can be spontaneous or a response to external excitement (such as your partner's stimuli). Libido is a key element of sexuality and has a direct impact on a man's ability to guarantee a good erection.

However, certain factors can affect a man's libido. The causes can be psychological, hormonal or physical. So, it is important to take care of your sex life by having a healthy lifestyle.

Erection Remedies

Erectile dysfunction medications, thanks to their active ingredients, can help treat the problem. Among those available on the market, we can mention:

  • Viagra, with the active ingredient Sildenafil.
  • Cialis, or the generic Tadalafil.
  • And also, Vardenafil.

All of these treatments are sold by pharmacies upon presentation of a prescription. For this reason, it is recommended to consult the best sexologist in Delhi specialized in this type of subject.

Other treatments

In case the previous products fail, there are still other types of treatments, prescribed in special cases. Some of them are:

  • Application of products in the region usually creams or liquids applied by injection. Injectable products are placed directly into the carvenous bodies of the penis.
  • Penile prostheses: they are available in several formats. However, they are only used if pills and injectables do not work.

Sunday, 11 April 2021

Effects of Testosterone on Man

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone, produced mainly in the testicles. In short, it helps maintain bone density, fat distribution, muscle mass, facial and body hair, red blood cell production, libido, and sperm production in men.

Testosterone: what is it?

Men produce most of their testosterone in the testicles. So when your brain detects a low level of the hormone in your blood, it produces a chain reaction. This triggers the production of testosterone in the Leydig cells of the testicles. In the case of women, production occurs mainly in the ovaries. In addition to them, the adrenal glands also produce some of the hormones.

What are the effects of testosterone on the body?

Testosterone affects your body in several ways. It is directly responsible for growth and sexual health, in addition to the essential bodily functions of both men and women.

In fact, to be more specific, it’s dynamics affect bone and muscle growth, libido and sexual performance, fertility, the production of red blood cells, the growth of facial and body hair, the tone of the voice, the mood, and sperm production.

What is bioavailable testosterone?

The most interesting thing about all of this is that your body uses only about 2% of all the testosterone you produce. This means, then, that about 98% of the hormone in your system is completely inactive: it is metabolized by the body and transformed into another chemical substance.

However, even a small drop of it in your "free" testosterone (the one that has not been metabolized) can already significantly impact the health of the body.

Incidentally, the same applies to testosterone that is injected into the body. In the case of hormone-based creams or hormonal injections, the body metabolizes more than 90% of the testosterone in these products.


Low testosterone: what to do?

Don't worry, there are solutions to increase your hormone level! It is important to consult a doctor. He can be your general practitioner or a sexologist in Delhi (recommended if your lack of testosterone influences your libido and the quality of your erection) or an endocrinologist.

What is a low testosterone level?

First of all, it is important to note that a low testosterone level does not always require some form of treatment. Some people may have very low levels and have no symptoms.

Therefore, we can say that people who benefit from testosterone supplementation are those who not only have low levels of testosterone but also have some symptoms. Below are the 8 most common symptoms of low testosterone.

Symptoms of low testosterone levels include low energy, lack of sexual desire, depression, difficulty concentrating, gynecomastia (swelling in the sinuses), loss of muscle mass, increased body fat, decreased hair and beard growth.

Normal testosterone levels vary. In men, they can range from 300 ng / dL to 1,100 ng / dL, or even more. It is a very wide range of variations. So you can be anywhere in that range.

Setting a low level is not just about a number. So, the important thing is to treat any of your symptoms when they see a problem in your day-to-day.

Testosterone levels also change throughout the day and decrease as you get older. So don't panic if you think you have low testosterone. Eating healthier and exercising more are two great ways to increase the production of this hormone.

In addition, losing weight is one of the easiest ways to increase testosterone levels, especially if you have a lot of belly fat (fat from that region can even activate estrogen production in men).

What to do if I have low testosterone levels?

You don't have to worry about low testosterone.

Still, you can always change your pace of life (and remember that different treatments exist to help you)! In order to ensure the best follow-up, you can consult a sexologist doctor in Delhi who specializes in the subject. He will try to understand your lifestyle in order to offer you appropriate treatment.

Hormone replacement therapy is not for everyone, and there are natural remedies that you can test. You can then try the following:

  • Get more exercise, which will naturally increase the hormone.
  • Reduce the amount of sugar you consume.
  • Get more sleep.
  • Reduce stress in your life or learn techniques to manage it.

When and with whom should I consult?

As soon as the first signs of a drop in your testosterone appear, we recommend that you make an appointment with the best sexologist in Delhi. The symptoms cannot be allowed to develop further and settle in your daily life.

You can consult a sex doctor in Delhi so that he can conclude what the necessary dosages would be and prescribe an appropriate treatment for you.

Solution: how to increase testosterone?

There are several solutions to increase testosterone. First, the way out is to improve your lifestyle (diet, sport…). Second, if your problems persist, it is important to consult a sex specialist in Delhi who specializes in this matter to help you in whatever way possible.

Don't take the risk of ordering medications online without a prescription! In most cases, they are counterfeit products.

Is increasing testosterone a good idea?

Depending on the case, it may be pertinent to increase your testosterone. On the other hand, the use of medicines for this is well regulated in Brazil. It is mandatory to consult a sexologist in Delhi before taking any medication, in order to avoid any danger.

What are the treatments for testosterone?

We have already mentioned the existing natural ways to increase your testosterone. There are also many other treatments. The most common treatment is replacement therapy.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can help restore some functions affected by the hormone drop.

Studies have shown that TRT acts primarily on bone strength and blood hemoglobin levels, but not on cognitive ability. Treatment can be done with gels applied to the skin, injections, or pills absorbed by the gums.

However, these alternatives can still trigger side effects, such as:

  • Increase in the amount of red blood cells
  • Prostate and sinus growth
  • Acne
  • In rare cases, breathing difficulties during sleep

Thus, the decision to undergo TRT involves deciding between the perceived benefits of the therapy and the risks it brings.